If you stop paying taxes and insurance, your reverse mortgage lender could file a foreclosure to take your home. It’s important to keep current with these payments if you can afford to do so. Learn more about what to do if you’re already behind on your tax or insurance payments.
If you are struggling to afford your taxes and insurance, there might be local programs or other options that can help you keep your home. A reverse mortgage foreclosure prevention counselor can help you make the best choice for your situation. This special type of counseling is free.
To find a counselor, call one of the following agencies and ask for HECM foreclosure prevention counseling:
- National Council on the Aging: (800) 510-0301
- CredAbility: (888) 395-2664
- Money Management International: (866) 765-3328
- National Foundation for Credit Counseling: (866) 363-2227
- NeighborWorks America: (888) 990-4326